The Let's Play Archive

Final Fantasy XIII-2

by Artix, Fedule

Part 15: Why did we come here, again?

Update 15: Why did we come here again? (Polsy)



Locales: The Coliseum

In a lost corner of the Void Beyond, there is a place where mighty souls gather. It is a testing ground for powerful warriors from every age and every reality, who come to pit their fighting skills against one another. On the Day of Reckoning, it is said these combatants will join the battle to end all battles.

Only one law governs the Coliseum — the weak serve the strong. The one that stands triumphant in this arena commands unswerving loyalty from the rest.


White Hole Gem

Countless flan are emerging from the gate in the Sunleth Waterscape and disrupting the balance of the ecosystem.

This fragment is the twin of the Black Hole Gem. It has the power to take monsters absorbed by a Black Hole Gem, generate a rift in spacetime, and disgorge those same monsters into a different era and place.


Amur's Sphere

We'd been having problems with our automated delivery system, and customers were complaining they didn't get their goods. For a virtual shop like us, this is a serious problem. Then again, I only started this as a hobby, so do I really care if we go under?

Well, anyway, we patched the problem by borrowing space on the Moogleworks system, which is why some of you have been greeted by the squeaky 'Welcome, kupo!'...Say, wouldn't it be wild if that shop was run by a real live moogle?

- Lenora's Garage Latest


The Sword of Lachesis

This is the prophecy told by Lachesis, messenger of the magic world.

Ragnarok the beast shall bring down Cocoon. After the War of Transgression, two girls from the far north shall come to Cocoon, the nest of Lindzei, and transform into the beast that destroys it. Until the end of time, this day shall be known as the Day of Ragnarok.

- The Book of Haerii


Extraordinary Egg

I still find it difficult to believe. Today, we uncovered a recording of Snow in the machine. There was nothing unusual about the image itself. We expected that Snow might be traveling the timeline. What shocked me was the brand. He bore the mark of a Gran Pulse l'Cie.

Since the catastrophe, the Pulse fal'Cie have had nothing to do with human affairs. They have shown no interest in attacking Cocoon, and they have no reason to make anybody a l'Cie. Which leaves only one possibility—Snow himself asked for the brand.

What is happening to Snow, in that distant future? What terrible need drove him to take the l'Cie brand?

- A Research Director's Notebook